Hey hey, sick competition!! I wanna win it becaaaauuse... it's a super rad board, because it might make me shred as sick as you (maybe??!) and because I'm itching for winter, but south london isn't snowy enough :) Have a sweet winter and pray for lots of snow! XX
Heihei:) 1. Jeg begynte på førsteåret, idrettslinja på Oppdal vgs dette skoleåret. Flyttet fra Tr.heim til Oppdal pga skolen, derfor bor jeg nå på hybel. Jeg har ikke god råd til et nytt snowboard, noe som jeg virkelig trenger nå i og med at mitt gamle begynner å bli ferdig for bakken.
2. Jeg kommer til å få mye bruk for brettet i og med at jeg har valgt snowboard som idrett på idrettslinja, og har undervisning og vurdering innenfor denne idretten.
3. Jeg er, og har vært stor fan av deg lenge, og syntes det hadde vært topp å kunne ta i bruk ditt gamle snowboard. Dette hadde også motivert meg noe sykt i bakken!
Yo Silje, here's 3 reasons why I'm begging you to pick me 1)I'm going into my 3rd season as a dedicated female rider and can't afford a new board as I'm putting my savings towards my season pass!!! 2)I ride an apo isis 2006 which is battered and bruised and I feel this board isn't going to take me where I want to go 3)I would do the board justice, pull new tricks out the bag and push myself so hard to make it worthwhile!! PLEASE PICK ME!!! It would mean the world!!!
I want the snowboard because : You would notice my style because i would be riding the ladykiller board. I look better in pink than most girls. I dont have a board deal from Lobster yet so hook me up. Danke Bitte
1ºI've never won a contest and would make me very happy. 2ºI would like do your rodeo 720 that you did in X Games and i think is the board and not the person hehehe. 3ºBecause i enjoy watching you do snowboard,as i wait for the snow. Peace
My mom and I saw your video with Roxy "Silje Norendal, Like Mother Like Daughter" when it came out and loved it! My mom is a fan of your mom haha!
So, my three reasons are: 1. That video taught me how to do my first trick, a boardslide, and you have been my favorite snowboarder since. I would be honored to ride your board (and make all my friends jealous!)
2. I used a board and boots for a child way way smaller than me for the first month when I learned just because I couldn't stay off the hill even though I had terrible equipment. That is one example of how much I love snowboarding.
3. My mom said that if we got this board, she would use it and try snowboarding! I never thought that would happen but it would be amazing for her to finally understand why I love snowboarding so much!
I am not familiar with blogspot, so I hope it provides enough contact information should I win.
1. Unlike almost all female pro snowboarders, you actually have style. Your relaxed and not timid on the board and it shows. 2. I'll ride that board like a champ. I try to spend 45+ days on the snow and I would spend every day on your board :) 3. I saw how well you did at the US open. Gotta love the Norwegians! You're not just a good female snowboarder, you're a good snowboarder. Period.
Hey Silje. I'm a 15 year old snowboarder from Norway. You are a great idol, and having your board would be unbelievable cool. Last season I almost broke my leg (brista lårhalsen) as I failed while riding at Oppdal. . That ruined the season. As I fell I also destroyed my old Burtonboard. I'm not sure if I'm gonna have a board this season and it kills me. Snowboarding is my passion, when I'm not riding the board I'm working at Savalen Skisenter. I'm the only girl and the youngest, but the people there are great. They treat me like I'm one of them. I don't think I have three really good reasons why I deserve it, but ey. It's worth the try. You inspire me.
1. Brettet hadde plasset rett inn i leiligheten min, sammen med de andre samlegjenstandene fra x-games, monster energy og andre ekstremsport utøvere.
2. Dette ville vært den første gjenstanden fra en kvinnelig utøver. I og med brettet kommer fra deg, blir det en veldig god og verdig start for de kommende gjenstandene på veggen.
3. Siste grunnen min blir vel at jeg syns brettet skal holdes innenfor hjemlandet ditt.
Ps : om jeg vinner, gidder du og signere brettet med : " Til Henning ! Første kvinne på veggen ! Love Silje Norendal !" elns, en morsom signatur er alltid bra!
3 good reasons: 1. I don't want the board for myself, even though it's a super cool board and i would love love love to ride it I would take this opportunity to give this board to my best friend cause she broke hers last year and cant afford a new one.
2. We watched you together when you were in x-games and it would be just so awsm if i could give her this board for christmas cause she's had a though year having to move away from Varringskollen and switching school.
3. To make my best friend smile again for a long time and giving me someone happy to ride with will make this season the best season ever!
1. I was skiing only one time 2. I broke my shin on second day and will never skiing again, although it was fun 3. I would really like to try snowboarding
It's been a few years since I've been snowboarding and I would like to go again this year because I love it. And in the Netherlands there is not enough snow and no mountains.
But I don't have the money to buy my own board. If I win your board it would save me some money which I can then spend on the actual trip. so my 3 reasons are: -I love snowboarding, -Not enough money to buy my own board, -If I win your board this would save me money renting a board and I can use that money to have a longer snowboard trip.
1.) I like the desgine of this Nike 6.0 very much. I never seen this one before ;-)
2.) In summer Im still a windsurfer, but in the winter Im a freaky Snowboarder and hoply a good Snowkiter, too. So the board would certainly not stand in the corner!
3.) Windsurfing and snowboarding are a breath of freedom, isn't it?. This freedom can best live out on the slopes. I would be very happy if I could ride this winter with your board.
yours sincerely, Kevin Nothdurft (k.nothdurft@hotmail.de)
Hey Silje! Here's my 3 reasons I should get the board!
1) Snowboard is my life! The only thing is im not that rich, that i can buy one of those excellent boards!
2) During my snowboarding iv'e always wanted something that could be related to X-games and such, and here You, One of the better snowboarders ive seen, are giving it away :)
3) Owning something that once belonged to Silje Norendal herself would be such an honor!
Hey these are my reasons: 1. You are a wonderful Snowboarder and I like the complete Nike 6.0 Team; The Styles and the Tricks are awesome 2. Snowboarding is like walking on air. 3. Your Board is the perfect present for my lovely girlfriend, she is looking for a new Board. She would be the happiest girl in the world, if she get your board from me.
i think 3 good reasons are not enough, because there are so many good reasons why i would love to win your signed board. i just think norwegian snowboarders are the best in the world. i just have to think of kjersti buaas. the power you have and the enthusiasm breaks every limit. and this board is just over and over awesome. my dream is to ride it one day, if there is a chance. with love, katrin
1. I just want this board 2. I don't want to suck up with you, i don't know you personally, so the reason why I'm here I want your board ;) 3. Cool, that you give away your board, that is awesome....
I don't win anyway, but please send some snow to Germany and have a great time wherever you are and got the luck to go boarding
2. Since yesterday I have a blue knee, "because of the snowboard I borrowed" (haha). I need an own one so that I can't say, the borrowed snowboard is responsible for this. :D
My first reason is because I'm leaving in two weeks for my very first season in lovely Mayrhofen The second reason is related to the first one: I want to improve my parkskills during my season and it's already proven your board can do the trick So I won't have any excuses if I suck:) And finally it would be awesome to ride with your board I love it if women kick ass in a park!
1. your snowboard will have tons of fun attached to my feet 2. your board is gonna do a season in Breck (Rocky Mountains, Colorado) 3. your board will be loved and taken good care off
Hallo Silje! Jeg er en 13 år gammel gutt fra Østfold som elsker Snowboarding og jeg er stor fan av deg. De 3 grunnene kommer litt lenger ned, men jeg vil bare fortelle noe først.. Jeg er stor fan av deg og du er den eneste kvinnelige brettkjøreren jeg virkelig liker, og når du vant sølv i X-games satt jeg og skalv og holdt på pisse på meg! Hadde vært helt sinnsykt tøft å hatt ett brett som du har brukt. Jeg har også snart bursdag, så det hadde vært en sinnsyk gave om du ville gitt det brettet til meg. Jeg har sett sikkert ALLE videoene av deg, som fins på youtube, og jeg håper det kommer fler i 2011/2012 sesongen. 2010/2011 sesongen fikk en brå slutt da jeg endte på sykehuset med 2 brekte ben i armen som endte med operasjon.
Får vel begynne med grunnene, selvom jeg kanskje har sagt dem allerede :)
1. Du er en helt sykt bra brettkjører som jeg meg stolt over å være fra Norge. Du har stil når du kjører og nailer triksene og får det til å se jævlig lett ut. Du er en kjempe søt jente, og du virker utrolig hyggelig.
2. Jeg liker flere brettkjørere, men det er du, og Torstein Horgmo som er de store idolene. Hadde jeg fått brettet ditt skulle jeg først begynt å skryte til kameraten mine ;) Etter det ville jeg enten brukt det, selvom det kanskje er damebrett. Har ikke noe å si.
3. Brettet ditt, er dritkult. Det hadde vært RÅTT å hatt det brettet der. Jeg digger åssen brettet ser ut, sponsorene dine er konge-merker som det både er bra kvalitet i og holder.
Hvis du har lyst til å gi meg brettet ditt, så håper jeg at du i tillegg vil signere det. Hadde vært utrolig hyggelig.
Og forresten, jeg ser at andre folk som ar kommentert her, har kommentert mail adressen sin. Min mail er iallfall: henriksg@live.no
that's a quiet nice idea that you give your board away to the person with the "best" reason. I really would like to have your board but not for myselv. My boyfriend really like to snowboard, also in combination with using his kite. So it would be the best christmas gift ever! He's not from Norge but from Danmark and a lot of times he goes to Norge to be in the snow. The most of the time I'm going with him but you know as a student you don't have that much money.
So it would be the biggest surprise and the best gift ever! It isn't it just beautifully to give the person you love such a nice thing. Jeg vil også gjerne ha en snowboard for meg selv, men jeg vil heller gi det til ham. (Min danske er bedre enn min norske :)I go skiing more than snowboarding. I also like to snowboard but I'm can do more tricks and drive faster with my ski. (I'm skiing since I was able to walk and snowboarding since i was 12 years old).
So i hope you choose me and i will send you a picture of the happiest guy at chrismas eve.
1. i love snowboarding 2. i always try to catch up with my male friends, but they drive much faster than i do, so i need a real good board 3. i have never won anything and i guess a snowboard would be great to end this 4. and once again: i looove snowboarding!
Hey Silje, I wanna win it for my girlfriend. Shes so motivated to go snowboarding again, but only had some crappy rental boards for the last two seasons. It would be a great gift for christmas for her.
Thank you for doing the comp. Keep up the good work.
1. beacause i'm not mainstream and do not type: i love snowboarding, beacause it is obvious that i do :) 2. because i dont have enough money for a new one 3. and because this board deserves a good owner who will treat him as his lover :)
Hei Silje! I think you're blog is awesome, and just want to thank you updating so much. I'm stoked about this snowboard season and wish u all the best :)
1. I would be honored to ride your board. 2. To win your favorite snowboarders board is a dream. What else can I wish for? Except snowboarding together with you.. 3. I love snowboarding, it's everything to me. When my life is a complete mess I find freedom, calm and AWESOMENESS in snowboarding. :)
HANG LOOSE BRO, Matilda Mejman matildamejman@hotmail.com
1) Actually i'm a skier, but on my list on "things to do before i'm 30" is written: "learning how to snowboard". Having my own board would encourage that.
2) This Christmas I am going on winter holidays and I still need to rent a board/skis. Winning this board would stimulate me to take snowboard lessons, in stead of making myself comfortable and choosing the easy way of skiing.
3) Winning this board would be so much better than having to rent one. Having my first lessons on a bad rental-board (something that will probably happen to me) would make my first snowboarding-experience very unpleasant..
Oh god, already a lot of comments... Well, here my 3 reasons:
1. I love snowboarding 2. You're one of my fav female riders 3. I try to get better and better in snowboarding and your board would be a big inducement to push my limits
hi silje ! my 3 reason are: 1. i love snowboarding, winter and snow 2. ur board seems like it's great and i would have good times shredding with it 3. that board would encourage me to do my best on improving my riding :) melli_959@hotmail.com
my 3 reasons are to win the board: 1. i love snowboarding and when the sun is shining into my face <3 2. i'm a young girl (14) and so i mean, it's important that girls have good snowboards. with the right board we can do more progress. 3. your a very good example that girls also good snowboarding. you aren't only very pretty but also you are a very very good snowboarder.
The first time i saw you, you were in a shop @ Laax and i remember that i said to me how much style you had. so when i read your post i was like "omg i neeeeed this board !" ahah
So my reasons are :
1- I'm in love with snowboarding and it's specially cause of you, because you inspire me so much, you make advance this sport.If I ride with your board i will be so honored ! I ride since i have 10years old, before i prefered watch contest of men athletes because that was more interessant but since i saw you ( and some other girl ) to ride i have totally change opinion!#inspiredandhonored
2-I like how you put " the glamourous" in the sport.I would be more sure of myself with your snowboard, because mine is old and ugly, and i also have a blue-turquoise jacket so...it'will be well-matched ahah #style
3- I know that for you it's difficult to decide who deserve to win but i can tell you that if i win your board i'will use it ! i'm living in saas-fee, switzerland and i'm riding often. Your snowboard would not be forgotten in a basement or other!#gooduse
Hi Silje! You're so awesome for doing this. My three reasons:
1. You're my favorite female rider because not only do you rock the slopes but you look gorgeous doing it! 2. Jeg er amerikansk men jeg elsker Norge og jeg vil laere norsk! (I'm already trying a bit :) ) 3. If I had my own board, I'd be able to go snowboarding more and keep getting better.
Have a great season and keep being awesome! Rebecca (relampago455@gmail.com)
Hi, I'm actually not a girl but rather a guy that wants to get his girlfriend a good snowboard to ride but cannot afford it. So rather than give you reasons why I should get it, I will give you reason why my girlfriend deserves it..
1) She works real hard, harder than any other girl I know and still manages to make me happy.
2) She's always willing to go out of her way to help others out.
3) She deserves to have some fun in her life and should get this board so she can!
1) I love snowboarding, i've been snowboarding for a while now and i would LOVE to ride your board. It looks like its an amazing board (im sure it is)
2) You're an amazing snowboarder, your probably my favorite snowboarder to watch (comps, videos.) also with Aimee Fuller. You are both RAD.
3) You inspire me, i cant wait to get up the hill and board.. After college im moving somewheres that i can snowboard all the time or travel place to places, from mountain to mountain, it would be my biggest dream to have your board by my side.
This is an amazing way to give away a board. You see how many people is amazed by you and inspired by you.
Hey I don't want 2 win this board for me, I want to win it for my big sister. This is b/c I or her cant afford 2 give her a good snowboard as she always has wanted.
1)Because its an amazing and supercool board. Nd with this board she will be able 2 learn snowboard better.
2)Nd she have had a hard time lately, nd she is an hard worker that never give up. Nd she loves 2 ride in the mountains during the winter feeling the fresh air and joy nd take her mind of things.
3)she deserves to have fun nd joy in her life. Nd as a single young mum of 2 kids. So with this board she will be able 2 do the thing she has always wanted to do nd just lean back and take care of herself for once.
Btw, I'm from Norway, but didn't know if I was suppose 2 write in english or norwegian.
1. I'm a skier :D 2. I respect snowboarders a lot.. I snowboarded 3 years too. 3. I wanna try snowboarding again if I'm still "good" doing it and your board would be perfect to go back :)
and at least.. 4. I'm from Switzerland ;) girlsclub_7@hotmail.com
hej silje, that sounds sooo great. WIN a BOARD! wow...
ok, but 3 reasons... thats hard. you know (like almost everybody here) what it means to ride. the wind in the hair, the frozen nose, the happy eyes, friends with you on the mountain and in the evening on one table, eat together, have fun together. smile the whole time.
1. my snowboard is 6 years old (call it grandma ;o) 2. the passion is in my heart, but the money not in my pocket. 3. when i win this board... we can ride together.
ok ehm hard question I love snow I want to improve my snowboarding very much this winter and how could it be better with a snowboard from you and eehm no better season than winter! Can´t wait to go snowboarding for the second time this season see you on the mountain ;)
1.Fordi du skylder meg en (raincheck) som jeg ser veldig mye frem til :) 2. Fordi jeg brakk armen i lillebakken på Nesbyen, og nå skal DU lære meg og så på brett ;) 3.når jeg blir -stabil- på brett, skal jeg kjøpe tilbake kameraet mitt og fikse bilder kun for deg :D
hey Silje, here we go: 1) I am a poor lowly Student :( 2) Snowboarding is my hobby and the only sport I can actually do! 3) and...I have just saved up enough money to go to mayrhofen and can take this beautiful board back to Austria
1. Jeg er fattig student, jobber livet av meg for å få penger til sesongkort i tryvann da det er førsteprioritet, har jo et brett fra før, men dette fører til grunn nummer to: 2. trenger nytt brett da det jeg kjøpte til jul i fjor klarte jeg å slå hull i sålen på, så det glir nesten ikke og er ganske ille å kjøre på. 3. Jeg har kjørt i 3 sesonger nå og merker progresjon, men det avhenger av at jeg har et brett i orden da, hehe.. Så blir jeg proff som deg en dag i fremtiden skal jeg gi deg CREDS for saving me!
Wohoo, what's going on here? ...This'll be a hard job! But I am warmed-up, stretched and ready to enter (and hopefully win) this competition: Here we go:
1. Silje, I would prefer winning your entire "snowboard-pro-life"; but hey, having your board would be a pretty good start ;) 2. The sticker-job you did is awesome...and the board is nice as well ;) 3. If I win your board, I would have a good reason to quit my (boring) internship and do the stuff I love (obviously: snowboarding). So please support my carelessness :)
Greetings to the "Norwegian female rider of the year" Sarah
For congratulating me, just send an e-mail to Sarah-Blau@web.de
1. because my own board is really bad, and i need a new one. 2. that snowboard is REALLY awesome looking and because it's yours. 3. if i could win that board I could be the happiest person on world and allways when i'm riding on it, i think you motivate me !
AND because i'm skandinavian ! :) -Susanna Kauto http://snoukkasistat.blogspot.com
1. beat up board: i've been riding the last two seasons in park city, utah, where i spent almost every day on the mountain and now my board, which is 08/09 season, is pretty much beat up after all those good times 2. no money: i just moved to munich and now i have a 40 hour week of work plus college on the side. i dont get much money for what im doin and rent is expensive here as well, so my savings all go torwards my season pass for the alps. unfortunately because of that i cant afford a new snowboard, so i still ride the last crap out of my old one until it breaks down on me, which actually could happen every second. on top of that the mountains are so far away (1-2 hour drive) and i dont have a car, so every weekend i pray that someone's driving torwards mountains. its such a hassle. 3. dead by christmas: i love snowboarding to death - literally! if i really need to buy a new snowboard i have to starve for the next two months. under all that pressure and stress that causes work and studying i wouldnt survive until christmas. that would be a family tragedy on the best holiday of the year. i dont want my family to be devastated just because im too broke to feed myself.
save a snowboader, make your board mine : ) i'd be deeply grateful!
btw, i think its way awesome that your doing this. oh, and i love your style! keep it up, norwegian girl!
1: er aktiv på snowboard om vinteren 2: knakk mitt splitter nye ollypop roxy i fjord 3: måtte opperere korsbande etter fallet, og fikk dermed bare stått 3 dager sist sesong
i have good three really good reasons. 1) because i don't ski 2)i don't contrive am fake, deficient charity story 3)i searched every second word for those little text, beause i'm bad in speaking english
My three reasons are : 1 : Because snowboarding is my biggest passion. It's always a pleasure to feel the winter coming back because it means : snowboarding, mountains (and "raclette" I have to say...) 2 : Because I'm sure that this board is a very good one, and could replace my actual board, which is the first one that I got, years and years ago. 3 : If I win this board, I'm pretty sure that my snowboarding will be better cause I'll be so motivated to obtain the best of it. :)
Thanks a lot for this opportunity & take care ! xx elisabeth.h@live.fr
Hello, Silje! Jeg vet ikke om jeg skal skrive på norsk eller engelsk, men iallfall er er grunnene til at JEG burde fått brettet ditt.
1. Jeg er stoooor fan av deg, og jeg elsker stilen din, utseendet ditt, brettkjøringa di og selvfølgelig brettet ditt. Sykt rått brett.
2. Hvis jeg er så heldig og vinner dette brettet, så vil jeg ikke ha det selv, men jeg ville gjerne ha gitt det til min kjære søster som også står på brett. Hennes brett er altfor lite, og det hadde vært en perfekt julegave til henne.
3. Jeg digger deg, søsteren min digger deg, jeg digger brettet ditt, søsteren min digger brettet ditt.
1. My girlfriend doesn't have her own snowboard yet but I've got a pair of brand new Burton Lexa bindings hiding in my closet for her that she doesn't know about yet, I'm sure your board will work fine!
2. I don't have enough money to be able to buy her her own board right now & neither does she, I don't think either one of us will this winter unfortunately. : (
3. I love her, I love snowboarding, & we enjoy each other & have fun when we get to ride together. It's one of the most beautiful things to see her so happy & smiling with that gleam in her eyes! <3 : )
My name is Allan and i have 15 years old. I'm snowboarding with my best friend since 7 years, she taughted me everything about it.
I don't want win this snowboard for me but for she. She really deserve it, she the most lovely person i ever met. I want to be present for her now cause she need...
Her dream is to be professionel snowboarder but no one believe in her exept me. I know that she hurt a lot because no one help her for realise her dream, she spends all her money the weekends for training et her snowboard isn't great for freestyle (ugly too and so old), so your snowboard would be much than perfect for her !It would be so important to her, and will be even more motivated to her for live her dream.
Your are a model for her, your are so talented and you're living the dream life ( that's what she says ^^) ! She respect a lot your ride. She tells often how awsm your are ! I dont want to compliment you but i just want to show you ¨how awesome could be your board for her.
She a true snowboarder !!she goes to the mountain as soon as practicable and when it's contest time i dont see her often... Last year she didn't come to school during xgames... ( and you won this day ! ahah)..
she'll take care of your snowboard as no one i'm sure !
So if you give your board to her, you will make a lovely girl so happy and grateful.
whatever your decision, thank you for reading me Silje, that was important to me :)
I wish you all the best ! and of course a sweeet season !
Hello Silje! I am boy from NORGE! I am turning 14 years old, and I am a HUGE fan of you. Didn't know if I had to write in norwegian or english, but I decided to write in english, because the stuff you write here on your blog is written in english.
First of all, it's great to see that you want to give away your board.
Well, im gonna write from my heart. Silje, you are one of the prettiest snowboarders EVER. You are one of the BEST snowboarders I have ever seen.
I didn't know you had a blog, but I searched your name on google, probably 5 minutes ago, and it popped up this website. When I saw this thread about you, giving your board away, I started shaking.
You are my favorite snowboarders of all time.
When you got the NASTY silver medal in X-Games I was proud to be a fan of you. And I still am.
I looked at the video up where you tell that you are going to give away your board, and you are such a pretty girl, with a beautiful smile :)
Love it. If you give me your board, you will make me UBER happy!
Here is my 3 good reasons why you should give it to me;
1. I am a huge fan of you, and just thinking of you, makes me really happy. You are probably the worlds prettiest snowboarder. If you choose me, to get your board, it would motivate me alot.
2. It's obvious that I love ssnowboarding, an that you are my favorite snowboarder, even though im a boy myself. You are an awesome snowboarder, with great sponsors, and your rodeo is awesome!
3. Like I have already said, I am a huge fan of you, and it would mean alot to me, if you pick me as the winner of your board. You have been riding that board in US open and X-Games, and that's crazy. I would do everything to get that board.
Good luck picking out a fair winner. And good luck winning more medals!
hello im a quebecor from canada I want to win your snowboard because i love make snowboard im alays waiting for the next season and i want to make snowboard with my girlfriend this year but she didnt have a snowboard anymore and she always want to make snowboard like me but she cant can you help me ??? :P (skuse me for the bad english im usually french :)
Jeg ønsker å vinne brettet ditt fordiii: 1) Brettet mitt er blitt skikkelig gammelt og slitt, og jeg trenger nytt! Må spare penger slik jeg har råd til å faktisk kjøre litt, og ikke bruke alle pengene på utstyr. 2)I år skal jeg virkelig begynne å kjøre mer park, og et brett som ditt hadde vert perfekt til det formålet ! 3)Siden det er ganske få jenter som kjører bra på brett, i forhold til gutter, er du en STOR inspirasjon for meg(Og sikker veldig mange andre jenter) Så å vinne ditt brett hadde vært dødskuult :)
1)...the first one should be the best and coolest one sooo, I think I'll leave it blank :D
2) My actual boqard is somehow cursed: I used it once fel down and screwed my right knee (I am waiting since dec 20th 2010 for this season to come and be back riding)
3) my brotherdidn't pass his driving licence test and that's sad D:
haha keep on riding you all out there and watch out for your bones!!!
Hey hey, sick competition!! I wanna win it becaaaauuse... it's a super rad board, because it might make me shred as sick as you (maybe??!) and because I'm itching for winter, but south london isn't snowy enough :) Have a sweet winter and pray for lots of snow! XX
ReplyDelete1. because i think you are absolutely beautiful.
ReplyDelete2. i want to snowboard but dont have a board.
3. i actually just want your attention.
Hey Hope your well Silje
ReplyDeletemy three reasons
I love the mountains
I have always wanted to snowboard
and your a hell of a good snowboarder so it should be great !
ReplyDelete1. Jeg begynte på førsteåret, idrettslinja på Oppdal vgs dette skoleåret. Flyttet fra Tr.heim til Oppdal pga skolen, derfor bor jeg nå på hybel. Jeg har ikke god råd til et nytt snowboard, noe som jeg virkelig trenger nå i og med at mitt gamle begynner å bli ferdig for bakken.
2. Jeg kommer til å få mye bruk for brettet i og med at jeg har valgt snowboard som idrett på idrettslinja, og har undervisning og vurdering innenfor denne idretten.
3. Jeg er, og har vært stor fan av deg lenge, og syntes det hadde vært topp å kunne ta i bruk ditt gamle snowboard. Dette hadde også motivert meg noe sykt i bakken!
Hilsen Benedikte Eide! :)
mail: benedikteeide@live.no :)
ReplyDeleteYo Silje, here's 3 reasons why I'm begging you to pick me
ReplyDelete1)I'm going into my 3rd season as a dedicated female rider and can't afford a new board as I'm putting my savings towards my season pass!!!
2)I ride an apo isis 2006 which is battered and bruised and I feel this board isn't going to take me where I want to go
3)I would do the board justice, pull new tricks out the bag and push myself so hard to make it worthwhile!! PLEASE PICK ME!!! It would mean the world!!!
I'm gonna chuck in a 4th reason because I want it that bad
ReplyDelete4)It would make my entire season!
I want the snowboard because :
ReplyDeleteYou would notice my style because i would be riding the ladykiller board.
I look better in pink than most girls.
I dont have a board deal from Lobster yet so hook me up.
Danke Bitte
1ºI've never won a contest and would make me very happy.
ReplyDelete2ºI would like do your rodeo 720 that you did in X Games and i think is the board and not the person hehehe.
3ºBecause i enjoy watching you do snowboard,as i wait for the snow.
Álvaro Calleja---The twitter is @Acallejina.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I saw your video with Roxy "Silje Norendal, Like Mother Like Daughter" when it came out and loved it! My mom is a fan of your mom haha!
ReplyDeleteSo, my three reasons are:
1. That video taught me how to do my first trick, a boardslide, and you have been my favorite snowboarder since. I would be honored to ride your board (and make all my friends jealous!)
2. I used a board and boots for a child way way smaller than me for the first month when I learned just because I couldn't stay off the hill even though I had terrible equipment. That is one example of how much I love snowboarding.
3. My mom said that if we got this board, she would use it and try snowboarding! I never thought that would happen but it would be amazing for her to finally understand why I love snowboarding so much!
I am not familiar with blogspot, so I hope it provides enough contact information should I win.
Hi! Thanks for offering such an awesome contest!
ReplyDeleteThree reasons why I want your board:
1. Unlike almost all female pro snowboarders, you actually have style. Your relaxed and not timid on the board and it shows.
2. I'll ride that board like a champ. I try to spend 45+ days on the snow and I would spend every day on your board :)
3. I saw how well you did at the US open. Gotta love the Norwegians! You're not just a good female snowboarder, you're a good snowboarder. Period.
1) You are my big Idol :D
ReplyDelete2) I want to have the same board as you :D
3) and I love it to board in the mountains in winter :D
Sina :)
mail: sina.kashal.flori@hotmail.com
email: vee_0991@hotmail.co.uk
ReplyDelete1: i think you are a beutifull girl
2: i would love to have a snowboard but i cant afford it:(
3: you are my biggest female idol
Mail: Dan-myr@hotmail.com
Hey Silje. I'm a 15 year old snowboarder from Norway. You are a great idol, and having your board would be unbelievable cool. Last season I almost broke my leg (brista lårhalsen) as I failed while riding at Oppdal. . That ruined the season. As I fell I also destroyed my old Burtonboard. I'm not sure if I'm gonna have a board this season and it kills me. Snowboarding is my passion, when I'm not riding the board I'm working at Savalen Skisenter. I'm the only girl and the youngest, but the people there are great. They treat me like I'm one of them. I don't think I have three really good reasons why I deserve it, but ey. It's worth the try. You inspire me.
ReplyDeleteHer er mine grunner til jeg har lyst på brettet:
1. Brettet hadde plasset rett inn i leiligheten min, sammen med de andre samlegjenstandene fra x-games, monster energy og andre ekstremsport utøvere.
2. Dette ville vært den første gjenstanden fra en kvinnelig utøver. I og med brettet kommer fra deg, blir det en veldig god og verdig start for de kommende gjenstandene på veggen.
3. Siste grunnen min blir vel at jeg syns brettet skal holdes innenfor hjemlandet ditt.
Ps : om jeg vinner, gidder du og signere brettet med : " Til Henning ! Første kvinne på veggen ! Love Silje Norendal !" elns, en morsom signatur er alltid bra!
3 good reasons:
ReplyDelete1. I don't want the board for myself, even though it's a super cool board and i would love love love to ride it I would take this opportunity to give this board to my best friend cause she broke hers last year and cant afford a new one.
2. We watched you together when you were in x-games and it would be just so awsm if i could give her this board for christmas cause she's had a though year having to move away from Varringskollen and switching school.
3. To make my best friend smile again for a long time and giving me someone happy to ride with will make this season the best season ever!
Love from Norway.
1. Har aldrig stått på en bräda innan, vil lära mig
ReplyDelete2. jag älskar allt som har med vinter och snö att göra.
3. jag ser upp till dig, du är grym
Happy dude Erika Bee!
1. I'm a surfer!
ReplyDelete2. I never rode on frozen water!
3. If you'd tell me how to do it, i'd go for it, on your board!
Greets from Germany!!!
1. I was skiing only one time
ReplyDelete2. I broke my shin on second day and will never skiing again, although it was fun
3. I would really like to try snowboarding
Regards from Germany.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a few years since I've been snowboarding and I would like to go again this year because I love it. And in the Netherlands there is not enough snow and no mountains.
But I don't have the money to buy my own board. If I win your board it would save me some money which I can then spend on the actual trip.
so my 3 reasons are: -I love snowboarding, -Not enough money to buy my own board, -If I win your board this would save me money renting a board and I can use that money to have a longer snowboard trip.
Regards Kim Veenstra
Probably there´s someone who deserve it much more than me, but it´s gonna be difficult to find!
ReplyDeleteHey Silje,
ReplyDeleteHere are my 3 reasons for winnig this Board:
1.) I like the desgine of this Nike 6.0 very much. I never seen this one before ;-)
2.) In summer Im still a windsurfer, but in the winter Im a freaky Snowboarder and hoply a good Snowkiter, too. So the board would certainly not stand in the corner!
3.) Windsurfing and snowboarding are a breath of freedom, isn't it?. This freedom can best live out on the slopes. I would be very happy if I could ride this winter with your board.
yours sincerely,
Kevin Nothdurft (k.nothdurft@hotmail.de)
Hey Silje!
ReplyDeleteHere's my 3 reasons I should get the board!
1) Snowboard is my life! The only thing is im not that rich, that i can buy one of those excellent boards!
2) During my snowboarding iv'e always wanted something that could be related to X-games and such, and here You, One of the better snowboarders ive seen, are giving it away :)
3) Owning something that once belonged to Silje Norendal herself would be such an honor!
Thanks :)
Hilsner fra Norge ;)
Hey these are my reasons:
ReplyDelete1. You are a wonderful Snowboarder and I like the complete Nike 6.0 Team; The Styles and the Tricks are awesome
2. Snowboarding is like walking on air.
3. Your Board is the perfect present for my lovely girlfriend, she is looking for a new Board. She would be the happiest girl in the world, if she get your board from me.
i think 3 good reasons are not enough, because there are so many good reasons why i would love to win your signed board.
ReplyDeletei just think norwegian snowboarders are the best in the world.
i just have to think of kjersti buaas.
the power you have and the enthusiasm breaks every limit.
and this board is just over and over awesome. my dream is to ride it one day, if there is a chance.
with love, katrin
1. I just want this board
ReplyDelete2. I don't want to suck up with you, i don't know you personally, so the reason why I'm here I want your board ;)
3. Cool, that you give away your board, that is awesome....
I don't win anyway, but please send some snow to Germany and have a great time wherever you are and got the luck to go boarding
Yours, Thomas Ditter Germany
1. I want a board because i'm bored
ReplyDelete2. I want a board because i don't yet have a beard
3. I want a board to get on the court!
Thanks in advance
Ben Beernaert
1. Actually I don't deserve it.
ReplyDelete2. Since yesterday I have a blue knee, "because of the snowboard I borrowed" (haha). I need an own one so that I can't say, the borrowed snowboard is responsible for this. :D
3. 148 is exactly my snowboard-size.
Greeting, Denise Häußer.
My first reason is because I'm leaving in two weeks for my very first season in lovely Mayrhofen
ReplyDeleteThe second reason is related to the first one: I want to improve my parkskills during my season and it's already proven your board can do the trick So I won't have any excuses if I suck:)
And finally it would be awesome to ride with your board I love it if women kick ass in a park!
Anne Dockx, Belgium
1. your snowboard will have tons of fun attached to my feet
ReplyDelete2. your board is gonna do a season in Breck (Rocky Mountains, Colorado)
3. your board will be loved and taken good care off
Enjoy the snow !
Hallo Silje! Jeg er en 13 år gammel gutt fra Østfold som elsker Snowboarding og jeg er stor fan av deg. De 3 grunnene kommer litt lenger ned, men jeg vil bare fortelle noe først.. Jeg er stor fan av deg og du er den eneste kvinnelige brettkjøreren jeg virkelig liker, og når du vant sølv i X-games satt jeg og skalv og holdt på pisse på meg! Hadde vært helt sinnsykt tøft å hatt ett brett som du har brukt. Jeg har også snart bursdag, så det hadde vært en sinnsyk gave om du ville gitt det brettet til meg. Jeg har sett sikkert ALLE videoene av deg, som fins på youtube, og jeg håper det kommer fler i 2011/2012 sesongen.
ReplyDelete2010/2011 sesongen fikk en brå slutt da jeg endte på sykehuset med 2 brekte ben i armen som endte med operasjon.
Får vel begynne med grunnene, selvom jeg kanskje har sagt dem allerede :)
1. Du er en helt sykt bra brettkjører som jeg meg stolt over å være fra Norge. Du har stil når du kjører og nailer triksene og får det til å se jævlig lett ut. Du er en kjempe søt jente, og du virker utrolig hyggelig.
2. Jeg liker flere brettkjørere, men det er du, og Torstein Horgmo som er de store idolene.
Hadde jeg fått brettet ditt skulle jeg først begynt å skryte til kameraten mine ;)
Etter det ville jeg enten brukt det, selvom det kanskje er damebrett. Har ikke noe å si.
3. Brettet ditt, er dritkult. Det hadde vært RÅTT å hatt det brettet der. Jeg digger åssen brettet ser ut, sponsorene dine er konge-merker som det både er bra kvalitet i og holder.
Hvis du har lyst til å gi meg brettet ditt, så håper jeg at du i tillegg vil signere det.
Hadde vært utrolig hyggelig.
Og forresten, jeg ser at andre folk som ar kommentert her, har kommentert mail adressen sin. Min mail er iallfall: henriksg@live.no
Hilsen en stor fan, Henrik.
Hej Silje,
ReplyDeletethat's a quiet nice idea that you give your board away to the person with the "best" reason.
I really would like to have your board but not for myselv. My boyfriend really like to snowboard, also in combination with using his kite.
So it would be the best christmas gift ever! He's not from Norge but from Danmark and a lot of times he goes to Norge to be in the snow. The most of the time I'm going with him but you know as a student you don't have that much money.
So it would be the biggest surprise and the best gift ever! It isn't it just beautifully to give the person you love such a nice thing. Jeg vil også gjerne ha en snowboard for meg selv, men jeg vil heller gi det til ham. (Min danske er bedre enn min norske :)I go skiing more than snowboarding. I also like to snowboard but I'm can do more tricks and drive faster with my ski. (I'm skiing since I was able to walk and snowboarding since i was 12 years old).
So i hope you choose me and i will send you a picture of the happiest guy at chrismas eve.
1. i love snowboarding
ReplyDelete2. i always try to catch up with my male friends, but they drive much faster than i do, so i need a real good board
3. i have never won anything and i guess a snowboard would be great to end this
4. and once again: i looove snowboarding!
best greetings, kathrin from austria
Hey Silje,
ReplyDeleteI wanna win it for my girlfriend. Shes so motivated to go snowboarding again, but only had some crappy rental boards for the last two seasons.
It would be a great gift for christmas for her.
Thank you for doing the comp. Keep up the good work.
Jake, E-mail: hey.js@web.de
1. beacause i'm not mainstream and do not type: i love snowboarding, beacause it is obvious that i do :)
ReplyDelete2. because i dont have enough money for a new one
3. and because this board deserves a good owner who will treat him as his lover :)
Big up, peace :D
Jan, email: podlog28@hotmail.com
Hei Silje! I think you're blog is awesome, and just want to thank you updating so much. I'm stoked about this snowboard season and wish u all the best :)
ReplyDelete1. I would be honored to ride your board.
2. To win your favorite snowboarders board is a dream. What else can I wish for? Except snowboarding together with you..
3. I love snowboarding, it's everything to me. When my life is a complete mess I find freedom, calm and AWESOMENESS in snowboarding. :)
Matilda Mejman
1) Actually i'm a skier, but on my list on "things to do before i'm 30" is written: "learning how to snowboard". Having my own board would encourage that.
ReplyDelete2) This Christmas I am going on winter holidays and I still need to rent a board/skis. Winning this board would stimulate me to take snowboard lessons, in stead of making myself comfortable and choosing the easy way of skiing.
3) Winning this board would be so much better than having to rent one. Having my first lessons on a bad rental-board (something that will probably happen to me) would make my first snowboarding-experience very unpleasant..
Roxane from Belgium
I think you should re home this snowboard to me
ReplyDeletefor these reasons:
1) Im looking for a new board cause I got rid of my board Jacque and Im getting lonely
2) It is almost winter! and It would be always strapped to my feet =)
3) Maybe some of its skill would rub off on me and Id get some sexy snowboarding skills!
please please consider! xo missannarobinson@yahoo.com
Oh god, already a lot of comments...
ReplyDeleteWell, here my 3 reasons:
1. I love snowboarding
2. You're one of my fav female riders
3. I try to get better and better in snowboarding and your board would be a big inducement to push my limits
Mail: Linda-Kotschenreuther@web.de
Many greetings from Germany,
Hey Silje!
ReplyDeleteHere is my 3 reason why you should choose me;
1. I think you are good example for young riders cause when you were 18 you got the silver on the x-games, so sick!
2. i wanna lear to ride and it would be so much funnier with a good board!
3. When i go shred, everything is fine!
Let's shredding! :)
- Kataee@hotmail.com
hi silje !
ReplyDeletemy 3 reason are:
1. i love snowboarding, winter and snow
2. ur board seems like it's great and i would have good times shredding with it
3. that board would encourage me to do my best on improving my riding :)
Hey Silje :)
ReplyDeletemy 3 reasons are to win the board:
1. i love snowboarding and when the sun is shining into my face <3
2. i'm a young girl (14) and so i mean, it's important that girls have good snowboards. with the right board we can do more progress.
3. your a very good example that girls also good snowboarding. you aren't only very pretty but also you are a very very good snowboarder.
I like your style :)
'cause you're "good looking, nasty and delicious" :)
ReplyDeleteYou rock Silje!
Salut Silje !
ReplyDeleteThe first time i saw you, you were in a shop @ Laax and i remember that i said to me how much style you had. so when i read your post i was like "omg i neeeeed this board !" ahah
So my reasons are :
1- I'm in love with snowboarding and it's specially cause of you, because you inspire me so much, you make advance this sport.If I ride with your board i will be so honored !
I ride since i have 10years old, before i prefered watch contest of men athletes because that was more interessant but since i saw you ( and some other girl ) to ride i have totally change opinion!#inspiredandhonored
2-I like how you put " the glamourous" in the sport.I would be more sure of myself with your snowboard, because mine is old and ugly, and i also have a blue-turquoise jacket so...it'will be well-matched ahah #style
3- I know that for you it's difficult to decide who deserve to win but i can tell you that if i win your board i'will use it ! i'm living in saas-fee, switzerland and i'm riding often. Your snowboard would not be forgotten in a basement or other!#gooduse
All the best for your career Silje, à bientot !
Hi Silje! You're so awesome for doing this. My three reasons:
ReplyDelete1. You're my favorite female rider because not only do you rock the slopes but you look gorgeous doing it!
2. Jeg er amerikansk men jeg elsker Norge og jeg vil laere norsk! (I'm already trying a bit :) )
3. If I had my own board, I'd be able to go snowboarding more and keep getting better.
Have a great season and keep being awesome!
Rebecca (relampago455@gmail.com)
Hi, I'm actually not a girl but rather a guy that wants to get his girlfriend a good snowboard to ride but cannot afford it. So rather than give you reasons why I should get it, I will give you reason why my girlfriend deserves it..
ReplyDelete1) She works real hard, harder than any other girl I know and still manages to make me happy.
2) She's always willing to go out of her way to help others out.
3) She deserves to have some fun in her life and should get this board so she can!
1) I love snowboarding, i've been snowboarding for a while now and i would LOVE to ride your board. It looks like its an amazing board (im sure it is)
ReplyDelete2) You're an amazing snowboarder, your probably my favorite snowboarder to watch (comps, videos.) also with Aimee Fuller. You are both RAD.
3) You inspire me, i cant wait to get up the hill and board.. After college im moving somewheres that i can snowboard all the time or travel place to places, from mountain to mountain, it would be my biggest dream to have your board by my side.
This is an amazing way to give away a board. You see how many people is amazed by you and inspired by you.
Caroline, Canada
Hey I don't want 2 win this board for me, I want to win it for my big sister. This is b/c I or her cant afford 2 give her a good snowboard as she always has wanted.
ReplyDelete1)Because its an amazing and supercool board. Nd with this board she will be able 2 learn snowboard better.
2)Nd she have had a hard time lately, nd she is an hard worker that never give up. Nd she loves 2 ride in the mountains during the winter feeling the fresh air and joy nd take her mind of things.
3)she deserves to have fun nd joy in her life. Nd as a single young mum of 2 kids. So with this board she will be able 2 do the thing she has always wanted to do nd just lean back and take care of herself for once.
Btw, I'm from Norway, but didn't know if I was suppose 2 write in english or norwegian.
Their reason: they love you !
ReplyDeleteOur reason: we love you !
My reason: I love you !
..it's soooo easy!
1. I'm a skier :D
ReplyDelete2. I respect snowboarders a lot.. I snowboarded 3 years too.
3. I wanna try snowboarding again if I'm still "good" doing it and your board would be perfect to go back :)
and at least.. 4. I'm from Switzerland ;)
wish you a lot of success next season!!!
hej silje, that sounds sooo great. WIN a BOARD!
ok, but 3 reasons... thats hard. you know (like almost everybody here) what it means to ride. the wind in the hair, the frozen nose, the happy eyes, friends with you on the mountain and in the evening on one table, eat together, have fun together. smile the whole time.
1. my snowboard is 6 years old
(call it grandma ;o)
2. the passion is in my heart, but the money not in my pocket.
3. when i win this board... we can ride together.
have fun this season and good luck.
your great. :o)
dana_lu@gmx.de (germany)
There is only 1 way,
ReplyDelete2 say,
those 3 words,
and that's what i'll do,
ok ehm hard question I love snow I want to improve my snowboarding very much this winter and how could it be better with a snowboard from you and eehm no better season than winter! Can´t wait to go snowboarding for the second time this season see you on the mountain ;)
ReplyDelete1) I really want to try snowboarding(I'm a skier)
ReplyDelete2) I don't have a snowboard
3) I'm Norwegian
1.Fordi du skylder meg en (raincheck) som jeg ser veldig mye frem til :)
ReplyDelete2. Fordi jeg brakk armen i lillebakken på Nesbyen, og nå skal DU lære meg og så på brett ;)
3.når jeg blir -stabil- på brett, skal jeg kjøpe tilbake kameraet mitt og fikse bilder kun for deg :D
hey Silje, here we go:
ReplyDelete1) I am a poor lowly Student :(
2) Snowboarding is my hobby and the only sport I can actually do!
3) and...I have just saved up enough money to go to mayrhofen and can take this beautiful board back to Austria
thank you and good luck for the season! xx
Åh, perfekt timing!
ReplyDelete1. Jeg er fattig student, jobber livet av meg for å få penger til sesongkort i tryvann da det er førsteprioritet, har jo et brett fra før, men dette fører til grunn nummer to:
2. trenger nytt brett da det jeg kjøpte til jul i fjor klarte jeg å slå hull i sålen på, så det glir nesten ikke og er ganske ille å kjøre på.
3. Jeg har kjørt i 3 sesonger nå og merker progresjon, men det avhenger av at jeg har et brett i orden da, hehe.. Så blir jeg proff som deg en dag i fremtiden skal jeg gi deg CREDS for saving me!
Wohoo, what's going on here? ...This'll be a hard job!
ReplyDeleteBut I am warmed-up, stretched and ready to enter (and hopefully win) this competition:
Here we go:
1. Silje, I would prefer winning your entire "snowboard-pro-life"; but hey, having your board would be a pretty good start ;)
2. The sticker-job you did is awesome...and the board is nice as well ;)
3. If I win your board, I would have a good reason to quit my (boring) internship and do the stuff I love (obviously: snowboarding). So please support my carelessness :)
Greetings to the "Norwegian female rider of the year"
For congratulating me, just send an e-mail to Sarah-Blau@web.de
1. because my own board is really bad, and i need a new one.
ReplyDelete2. that snowboard is REALLY awesome looking and because it's yours.
3. if i could win that board I could be the happiest person on world and allways when i'm riding on it, i think you motivate me !
AND because i'm skandinavian ! :)
-Susanna Kauto
heya silje
ReplyDeleteim in desperately need of a new board!
1. beat up board: i've been riding the last two seasons in park city, utah, where i spent almost every day on the mountain and now my board, which is 08/09 season, is pretty much beat up after all those good times
2. no money: i just moved to munich and now i have a 40 hour week of work plus college on the side. i dont get much money for what im doin and rent is expensive here as well, so my savings all go torwards my season pass for the alps. unfortunately because of that i cant afford a new snowboard, so i still ride the last crap out of my old one until it breaks down on me, which actually could happen every second. on top of that the mountains are so far away (1-2 hour drive) and i dont have a car, so every weekend i pray that someone's driving torwards mountains. its such a hassle.
3. dead by christmas: i love snowboarding to death - literally! if i really need to buy a new snowboard i have to starve for the next two months. under all that pressure and stress that causes work and studying i wouldnt survive until christmas. that would be a family tragedy on the best holiday of the year. i dont want my family to be devastated just because im too broke to feed myself.
save a snowboader, make your board mine : )
i'd be deeply grateful!
btw, i think its way awesome that your doing this. oh, and i love your style! keep it up, norwegian girl!
1: er aktiv på snowboard om vinteren
ReplyDelete2: knakk mitt splitter nye ollypop roxy i fjord
3: måtte opperere korsbande etter fallet, og fikk dermed bare stått 3 dager sist sesong
i have good three really good reasons.
ReplyDelete1) because i don't ski
2)i don't contrive am fake, deficient charity story
3)i searched every second word for those little text, beause i'm bad in speaking english
mail: clemens.leibelt@web.de
Hi Silje !
ReplyDeleteMy three reasons are :
1 : Because snowboarding is my biggest passion. It's always a pleasure to feel the winter coming back because it means : snowboarding, mountains (and "raclette" I have to say...)
2 : Because I'm sure that this board is a very good one, and could replace my actual board, which is the first one that I got, years and years ago.
3 : If I win this board, I'm pretty sure that my snowboarding will be better cause I'll be so motivated to obtain the best of it. :)
Thanks a lot for this opportunity & take care ! xx
Hello, Silje!
ReplyDeleteJeg vet ikke om jeg skal skrive på norsk eller engelsk, men iallfall er er grunnene til at JEG burde fått brettet ditt.
1. Jeg er stoooor fan av deg, og jeg elsker stilen din, utseendet ditt, brettkjøringa di og selvfølgelig brettet ditt. Sykt rått brett.
2. Hvis jeg er så heldig og vinner dette brettet, så vil jeg ikke ha det selv, men jeg ville gjerne ha gitt det til min kjære søster som også står på brett. Hennes brett er altfor lite, og det hadde vært en perfekt julegave til henne.
3. Jeg digger deg, søsteren min digger deg, jeg digger brettet ditt, søsteren min digger brettet ditt.
Takk for meg!!
Sorry, jeg mente: andree13@live.no
ReplyDelete1. My girlfriend doesn't have her own snowboard yet but I've got a pair of brand new Burton Lexa bindings hiding in my closet for her that she doesn't know about yet, I'm sure your board will work fine!
ReplyDelete2. I don't have enough money to be able to buy her her own board right now & neither does she, I don't think either one of us will this winter unfortunately. : (
3. I love her, I love snowboarding, & we enjoy each other & have fun when we get to ride together. It's one of the most beautiful things to see her so happy & smiling with that gleam in her eyes! <3 : )
Later Silje, peace!
1. tror brettet hadde passet perfekt inn på rommet mitt.
ReplyDelete2. elsker vinter og snø.
3. synes du er en råfet snowboard kjører.
Hello Silje !
ReplyDeleteMy name is Allan and i have 15 years old.
I'm snowboarding with my best friend since 7 years, she taughted me everything about it.
I don't want win this snowboard for me but for she. She really deserve it, she the most lovely person i ever met. I want to be present for her now cause she need...
Her dream is to be professionel snowboarder but no one believe in her exept me. I know that she hurt a lot because no one help her for realise her dream, she spends all her money the weekends for training et her snowboard isn't great for freestyle (ugly too and so old), so your snowboard would be much than perfect for her !It would be so important to her, and will be even more motivated to her for live her dream.
Your are a model for her, your are so talented and you're living the dream life ( that's what she says ^^) ! She respect a lot your ride. She tells often how awsm your are !
I dont want to compliment you but i just want to show you ¨how awesome could be your board for her.
She a true snowboarder !!she goes to the mountain as soon as practicable and when it's contest time i dont see her often... Last year she didn't come to school during xgames... ( and you won this day ! ahah)..
she'll take care of your snowboard as no one i'm sure !
So if you give your board to her, you will make a lovely girl so happy and grateful.
whatever your decision, thank you for reading me Silje, that was important to me :)
I wish you all the best ! and of course a sweeet season !
(sorry for my bad english )
Allan from Switzerland.
Hello Silje! I am boy from NORGE! I am turning 14 years old, and I am a HUGE fan of you. Didn't know if I had to write in norwegian or english, but I decided to write in english, because the stuff you write here on your blog is written in english.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, it's great to see that you want to give away your board.
Well, im gonna write from my heart.
Silje, you are one of the prettiest snowboarders EVER. You are one of the BEST snowboarders I have ever seen.
I didn't know you had a blog, but I searched your name on google, probably 5 minutes ago, and it popped up this website. When I saw this thread about you, giving your board away, I started shaking.
You are my favorite snowboarders of all time.
When you got the NASTY silver medal in X-Games I was proud to be a fan of you. And I still am.
I looked at the video up where you tell that you are going to give away your board, and you are such a pretty girl, with a beautiful smile :)
Love it.
If you give me your board, you will make me UBER happy!
Here is my 3 good reasons why you should give it to me;
1. I am a huge fan of you, and just thinking of you, makes me really happy. You are probably the worlds prettiest snowboarder. If you choose me, to get your board, it would motivate me alot.
2. It's obvious that I love ssnowboarding, an that you are my favorite snowboarder, even though im a boy myself.
You are an awesome snowboarder, with great sponsors, and your rodeo is awesome!
3. Like I have already said, I am a huge fan of you, and it would mean alot to me, if you pick me as the winner of your board.
You have been riding that board in US open and X-Games, and that's crazy. I would do everything to get that board.
Good luck picking out a fair winner.
And good luck winning more medals!
-Stor hilsen fra meg!
hello im a quebecor from canada I want to win your snowboard because i love make snowboard im alays waiting for the next season and i want to make snowboard with my girlfriend this year but she didnt have a snowboard anymore and she always want to make snowboard like me but she cant can you help me ??? :P
ReplyDelete(skuse me for the bad english im usually french :)
Hei og gratulerer med pris på Awards :-D
ReplyDeleteJeg ønsker å vinne brettet ditt fordiii:
1) Brettet mitt er blitt skikkelig gammelt og slitt, og jeg trenger nytt! Må spare penger slik jeg har råd til å faktisk kjøre litt, og ikke bruke alle pengene på utstyr.
2)I år skal jeg virkelig begynne å kjøre mer park, og et brett som ditt hadde vert perfekt til det formålet !
3)Siden det er ganske få jenter som kjører bra på brett, i forhold til gutter, er du en STOR inspirasjon for meg(Og sikker veldig mange andre jenter) Så å vinne ditt brett hadde vært dødskuult :)
Hilsen Kine :)
hum... 3 good reasons why I'd deserve that board:
ReplyDelete1)...the first one should be the best and coolest one sooo, I think I'll leave it blank :D
2) My actual boqard is somehow cursed: I used it once fel down and screwed my right knee (I am waiting since dec 20th 2010 for this season to come and be back riding)
3) my brotherdidn't pass his driving licence test and that's sad D:
haha keep on riding you all out there and watch out for your bones!!!
i love to snowboard with all my friends but my snowboard is broken and i can not afford a new one
ReplyDeletemy parents dont support my snowboarding so if i want something like a season pass i have to buy it all on my own
your an awesome person and i dont care that its a woman's board as long as i can shred this winter