December 12, 2010

US and A in pictures

Lunch with Basa Stevulova and Aimee Fuller

Aimee Fuller aka crazy girl

YIIP crew having lunch in Frisco

Basa and Aimee

Mmmmm, American cup cakes!

Aimee Fuller

Linn Haug and Josh Sherman

Jossi Wells and Linn haug watching the Grand Prix finals at Copper

Olav Stubberud and Tobias Frøystad

Fredrik Austbo aka Freddy the fox, myself and Helene Olafsen

Rave in the backseat, Olav Stubberud and Tobias Frøystad

Helene Olafsen and Marte Soderlund

Helene Olafsen

Helene Olafsen

Marte fixing or her board before shred, or let`s say coach Sondre Hylland!

Roger Kleivdal

Thomas Harstad


Freddy the fox


  1. Fine bilder, siljur! Skulle vært der med dere!!
    Klem K

  2. Skulle gjerne hatt deg her snupp! Kozzz og klemzzz
